
Donate to Public Prep Today.


Ways to Give


Give Now with an Online Donation:

It’s quick, easy, and completely tax deductible. A gift today helps support the transformative work that Public Prep does for children, families, and communities every day. You can also select the option to be a monthly recurring donor, and make us part of your regular giving plan!


Give By Check:

Please make checks payable to “Public Prep Network” and mail to:

Public Prep Network
192 E 151st St.
Bronx, NY 10451

If you need to check the status of the processing, you may email us at [email protected].


Give By Stock or Wire Transfer:

Would you like to make a donation through stock or wire transfer? Please reach out to us directly for banking information and instructions at [email protected].


Match Your Gift:

If your gift to Public Prep is eligible for an employer match, you can double the impact you have on our scholars. We are happy to help you find out if your employer provides matching gifts for our organization. Please reach out to us to learn more at [email protected].


Partner with Public Prep:

Our corporate partners are critical to helping Public Prep make an impact and build pathways to success for our scholars. From corporate sponsorships to volunteer opportunities, we welcome your support. Reach out to Porsche Joseph today to get involved at [email protected].

donate to our cause

How Does Your Gift Impact Our Community?

Public Prep is committed to providing a quality education to our boys and girls. Our mission is to foster a joyful, compassionate, and boldly curious community of learners through a rigorous, tuition-free, and single-gender academic environment.

Your support makes it possible for us to help scholars see the possibilities for themselves, and prepare every scholar to achieve their highest level of success!

  • $50 DONATION: Allows a scholar to attend an educational field trip.
  • $100 DONATION: Provides a scholar with a new uniform.
  • $250 DONATION: Supplies a scholar with a laptop or tablet.
  • $500 DONATION: Supports 3 months of music education for a middle school scholar.
  • $1,000 DONATION: Sends a theater class to see a play on Broadway.
  • $2,500 DONATION: Supplies athletic equipment and fees for a sports team.
  • $5,000 DONATION: Sends a scholar to a two-week pre-college immersive summer program.
The Public Prep Purpose

With your donation, you help us remain committed to our deep purpose of transforming the academic experience for scholars in the Bronx.

Bridge Educational Gaps: Support Learning

Public Prep is dedicated to bridging educational inequities. Your donation helps us provide resources, technology, curriculum, and opportunities that empower students to overcome barriers and thrive academically.

Support Holistic Development: Beyond Academics

Beyond academics, your contribution supports the holistic development of our students. From arts and sports to leadership programs, your donation ensures a well-rounded educational experience that prepares students for a diverse and evolving world.

Safe and Comfortable Learning Environments: Facilities
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Public Prep is a hub of innovation in education. Your donation enables us to stay at the forefront of educational practices, incorporating technology, research-backed methodologies, and creative approaches that inspire a love for learning.

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“At Girls Prep, my brightest math student is always a girl. The strongest athlete at recess is also a girl. I am grateful to be part of my students' journeys as they break down social, gender, and racial barriers, achieve their goals, and reach their fullest potential.”

Teacher Leader

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Meet the Simmons Family, Whose Son’s Life Has Been Changed by Our Dedicated Educators and Community of Support.

“It's hard for kids with autism growing up in the South bronx. There are barely any services for them and resources are limited. But Public Prep teachers have been nothing but a blessing to my son, my family, and all the other scholars with autism in the Boys Prep charter school within the Public Prep Network.

There are two teachers that my family adores so much.The first one is the amazing Ms. Melon, who believed in our son when he's been counted out by other people and schools. His speech delay made things so hard for him to communicate ,make friends, and express the emotions he wanted us to see. Ms. Melon worked so hard with him and because of this effort our son started speaking in full sentences and reading at age 5. I never cried so much in my life with joy. She also worked with my husband and I on things to do at home. We became a strong unit. Now my son has a new teacher, Ms. Powell, who makes it her business to get to know my son for who he truly is. During school events, I’ve witnessed my son speak out loud in front of people, participate, and truly enjoy it. I was shocked because my son would never have done that in the past. Ever! I can call her for advice and she always answers. Our family is so thankful for the support of Public Prep.”

If You Would Like To Make a Contribution Offline (Phone/Mail) or via Cryptocurrency, Stock or Wire, Donor-Advised Fund, Bitcoin, or Are Interested in Planned Giving Opportunities, Please Contact Porsche Joseph At [email protected].